Empire Engineering have performed a concept screening, jacket concept design and cost estimation for the offshore substation of a proposed wind farm in UK waters.
The study was undertaken to determine the optimum foundation scheme for the site based on water depth and likely metocean conditions, and perform a high-level cost analysis of the CAPEX and DEVEX of the selected design.
The concept design provided the Client assurance that the proposed foundation scheme is feasible for the site conditions, and contributes to the project’s overall feasibility study.
Services Provided
Empire Engineering undertook four key tasks on the project:
- Comparison of the feasible foundation types (monopile, jacket, jack-up barge and floating) to identify the optimum foundation scheme
- Developed a preliminary topsides layout based on the current equipment requirement
- Generation and analysis of a concept level jacket and topsides primary structure analysis model using DNVGL SESAM
- Perform a CAPEX and DEVEX cost estimation based on the concept design.
The jacket foundation and topsides concept designs were developed to prove the technical feasibility of the selected foundation type, estimate the weight of the topsides and jacket structures to inform the financial estimation, and give the Client confidence in the costs reported.

Key Benefits and Success Factors
Empire Engineering were able to efficiently provide the Client with clarity on the best foundation solution for the offshore substation and give an estimate of the CAPEX and DEVEX cost of the jacket and topsides.