One-day Integrated Load Analysis (ILA) training 


The primary objective of performing Integrated Load Analysis (ILA) is to obtain increased design certainty, or design maturity, through the consideration of the interaction between the loads applied to the global model’s foundation structure, and the Wind Turbine Generator (WTG). 

After completing the ILA process, materials procurement and Transportation & Installation (T&I) logistics can be progressed with improved confidence, the project financing process is made a lot easier, and the likelihood of achieving a positive Final Investment Decision (FID) is greatly improved. 

Project Delivery

Training has been performed for clients around Europe both face to face and over MS Teams

Download a copy of our training courses brochure

At Empire Engineering, we offer a series of short training courses for industry professionals covering topics from ILA to Soil Information and Geotechnical Design. We can also create a bespoke programme to suit your team’s needs.

Common Pitfalls in the ILA process 

A lack of an experienced loads specialists, or limiting the depth of the ILA study to compress the design programme, can cause errors or shortfalls during an ILA that can lead to a non-conforming foundation design to the site conditions, and to the WTG loads. 

Common sources of errors are found in the following five key areas: 

  • Interpretation of site-specific soil conditions 
  • Approach adopted for wind/wave correlation 
  • Global model definition 
  • Simulation of Design Load Cases (DLCs) 
  • Performing simulations 

To attempt to avoid the mistakes and shortfalls in the ILA process described above, Empire’s training will provide a structured set of precautions and mitigation methods: 

  • Clustering strategy for the considered wind farm and WTG 
  • Analysis strategy that delivers design assurance and helps in optimal programme schedule leading to EPCI phases  
  • Modelling of representation of TP, joints and secondary steel attachments in the global model 
  • Efficiently defined simulations capturing all relevant Design Load Cases (DLCs) 
  • Verified ILA trial runs on loads time series at the interface point on statistical basis 

The ILA training course structure is: 

Introduction Session: 

  1. Terms and definitions 
  2. Why load iteration is required
  3. Different Methods of ILA and Comparisons

Roles and Responsibilities in ILA: 

  1. Project Challenges 
  2. Key Documents 
  3. Risks of not doing ILA 
  4. Project Owner’s Role 
  5. WTG Supplier’s Role 
  6. Foundation Contractor’s Role 
  7. Certification Authority’s Role 
  8. Required Data and Documentation Process

Key Aspects of ILA: 

  1. Importance of the input data 
  2. Representation of soil 
  3. Natural frequency analysis 
  4. Wave loading 
  5. Super element generation 
  6. WTG loading 
  7. Retrieval analysis and design 
  8. Design challenges

Risks and Mitigations/Any project specific questions: 

  1. Where it can all go wrong 
  2. Competition by design challenges 


Key project summary


Training has been successfully delivered for various clients to excellent feedback

Key services

Foundation design, Training


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