Building a sustainable future

Empire works in renewable energy because of the technical challenges it presents to us as engineers, and the benefits it offers to humankind.
Renewable energy is the cornerstone of creating a sustainable future. It’s exciting and rewarding – but forging this new path ahead comes with challenges.
Empire can help: quickly and safely. Whether your project needs structural analysis, concept design or hands-on support.
How we can help
Early Stage Design
Empire is at the cutting edge of
foundation engineering design.
Specifically we deliver FEED and concept design for fixed and floating structures.
Owner’s Engineer
Sometimes, an engineering project needs a little more horsepower.
We can deploy our team of world class engineers quickly, reliably and safely, wherever help is needed.
Specialist Engineering
Independent expert advice when you need it.
Whether it’s evaluating early stage opportunities, rethinking design choices or overcoming an immediate challenge.
Why Empire?
Engineering is complex – but our values are simple and they’re at the heart of what Empire does.

Our clients have entrusted us to deliver over 100 projects spanning more than a decade. We value being trusted partners and take our responsibility seriously.

We are not generalists. Empire’s sole focus is the offshore renewable energy sector. When the project requires specialist knowledge, our engineers deliver.

We field a team of brilliant engineers, who are also excellent people to work with. Our expert team is here to help, to share knowledge and provide clear explanations.
Why Empire?
Engineering is complex – but our values are simple and they’re at the heart of what Empire does.

We’ve been doing this a while, and Empire’s success is built on our clients’ trust.

Empire’s sole focus is the off-shore wind energy sector. When only the best will do, our specialist engineers will deliver.

Fast and pragmatic – but never reckless: Empire is on-call and ready when you need our help.

Let’s talk risk: what if an offshore wind turbine fell over?
By Nick Howard. Cast your mind back a few years Had you happened to be standing outside a pub opposite Bristol Train Station on a dreary February afternoon in 2017, gently nursing a warm Fosters, you may well have seen me, peering out of a taxi window, my expression...

Webinar on demand: How deep can the Monopile go?
By Karl Davis. On Friday 31 July we ran the second in our series of Tech sessions under our Foundation Ex brand. This time we turned our attention the humble Monopile and tackled the thorny question of just how deep can the Monopile go. I was joined by my colleague,...

Foundation Ex: tech sessions webinar 31 July
Later this week, we will be running the second in our series of tech sessions webinars. Morten Tobias Lind, Technical Director at COWI, will join as expert guest speaker. The live webinar will look back at the journey from traditional foundations right up to the current situation and how things look for the future.

Foundation Ex postponed to 2021
By Karl Davis. In October 2019, the Empire team welcomed over a 100 people to Bristol for our first ever Foundation Ex conference. A one day (and two evening) discussion and celebration of all things technical in offshore wind. Last week as a team we took the...

Webinar on demand: An introduction to floating offshore wind.
By Aaron Zigeng Du and Eric Paya. On Friday 26 June, we ran our first ever live broadcast. The hot topic for the discussion was offshore wind foundations. Two of our expert team members, Aaron Zigeng Du and Eric Paya took time out from their busy schedules to deliver...