Nick Howard

Partner and Principal Engineer

Nick is a highly experienced offshore foundations engineer, with a depth of technical knowledge in foundation design.

About Nick

Nick has worked on the majority of European offshore windfarms and is an exceptional technical specialist who is motivated by solving tough technical challenges.

He’s also our in-house ANSYS guru, is responsible for developing the front end of our foundation design tool FATHOM and leads much of our Value Engineering work.  In his spare time, you’ll usually find him on one his many bicycles, or trying to solve a Big Data problem.

Specialist Areas

Finite Element Analysis, Secondary Steel, Load Iterations, Corrosion Protection, Big Data, Value Engineering,  Acoustic Guitar and Time Trial Cycling

Nick’s Flipchart Friday Videos

Flipchart Friday episode 1

flipchart friday

TP-Less Foundations

Nick looks at the history of offshore wind foundations and the solutions provided by TP-Less Foundations today.

Flipchart Friday

flipchart friday

Pretensioning Bolts

Nick Howard talks through the ‘how and why’ of Pretensioning Bolts in offshore wind turbines.

Flipchart Friday

flipchart friday

Rainflow Counting

Nick Howard takes an in-depth look at the calculations required when performing rainflow counting for fatigue analysis.

Nick’s Tech Session Videos

Flipchart Friday episode 1

the tech sessions

Developers vs Designers

A healthy debate from both sides of the table on how developers and designers can and should work together in offshore wind.

Flipchart Friday

the tech sessions

Big Bolted Connections

We looked at Big Bolted Connections and asked the question                                                “Is the industry ready?”

Flipchart Friday

the tech sessions

Fabrication Limitations 

The industry is going big. XXL big. The size of the challenge in fabricating new designs, is also increasing

Nick’s Articles

Webinar on demand: Big Bolted Connections

Webinar on demand: Big Bolted Connections

By Karl Davis. For our final Tech Session for 2020 we asked the thorny question: Big Bolted Connections, is the industry ready? This was the fifth Tech session in our 2020 series. Our original plan had been to run our Foundation conference for a second year but then,...

Webinar on demand: Developers vs Designers

Webinar on demand: Developers vs Designers

By Karl Davis. This October we ran the fourth of our 'Tech sessions' webinars.  For this session we aimed to generate some real debate under the title of Developers vs Designers. We decided to get both a developer and a designer around the table for some healthy...

Let’s talk risk: what if an offshore wind turbine fell over?

Let’s talk risk: what if an offshore wind turbine fell over?

By Nick Howard. Cast your mind back a few years Had you happened to be standing outside a pub opposite Bristol Train Station on a dreary February afternoon in 2017, gently nursing a warm Fosters, you may well have seen me, peering out of a taxi window, my expression...

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