By Karl Davis.

I recently spent time in Spain supporting Scottish Power (SPR) visiting foundation fabricator Haizea and flange fabricator Euskal.  Take a look at some of these fantastic pictures from the trip. Starting with the SPR team gazing longingly at these steel cans ready to be welded into long elegant tubular sections.

Empire Projects in Europe

Whilst in the port of Bilbao we happened upon the DemoSATH floating offshore wind demonstrator turbine, which had just been freshly launched. This is a great example of on-going innovation in the offshore wind space.

I also had the chance to look over freshly minted flanges at Euskal forging, destined for another project Empire Engineering has been heavily involved with.

I look forward to bringing you news of further Empire projects from across the globe.  In the meantime take a look at some of our success stories.

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