By Benoît Brière.

Benoît Brière and Romero Moreira Silva from our Marseille team have been visiting Eiffage Metal yards in Fos-sur-Mer, France.

Eiffage are currently assembling SBM Offshore’s Tension-Leg-Platform for the Provence Grand Large’s pilot farm which will be installed in 2023. PGL project is owned by EDF Renouvelables, in partnership with Enbridge. Next on the list in Fos will be three WindFloat semisubmersibles from Principle Power, for the EFGL project developed between Ocean Winds and Caisse des Dépots. Busy times!

Empire Projects in Europe

Key takes from our Lead Floating Wind Engineer, Benoît Brière, after this visit:

For the first time in the world, a TLP floater and mooring will be deployed by SBM Offshore. A key milestone for the whole industry!

One of the floaters pictured is on track to become the very first producing floating wind commercial scale unit in the Mediterranean. Undoubtedly the first of a long series.
After a bump in Oil&Gas activities, Eiffage is using the two pilot projects as a steppingstone to re-purpose the Fos yard for floating wind assembly. Who said local value creation?

More floating projects are in the pipeline, we look forward to bringing you more news from our team.

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