Just over a week ago, the team here at Empire Engineering put out a post on LinkedIn giving away sets of Lego’s awesome new Vestas Wind turbine. We hoped we’d get one or two comments, gain a few likes. What we actually received was really quite stunning with more than 80 of you taking the time to put fingers to keyboard to tell us why you love working in the offshore wind industry.   Throughout the imaginative and heartfelt replies, two themes came back loud and clear: building a better, more sustainable future for the next generation and relishing the engineering challenges that only offshore can present. If that’s why we are all getting out of bed in the morning, then we are doing something right. But of course, this was a competition, and you would like to know the winners. Without further ado, these are the six winning submissions selected by our team here at Empire HQ.  We had planned to give away 5 sets, but we had strong submissions from two schools, so we added an extra one.    

The six winners of a Lego Vestas Wind Turbine are

  1. Luis Salavarria from EDF Energies Nouvelles
  2. Dafydd Roberts from Innogy Renewables UK
  3. Michael Stephenson from The Carbon Trust
  4. Will Jackson from Green Giraffe
  5. Kathryn Strachecky from Leading LIghts Education and Well Being
  6. Alan Reese from Fonthill Primary School Eco Council
  Luis Salavarria from EDF Energies Nouvelles Dafydd Roberts from Innogy Renewables UK Will Jackson from Green Giraffe Kathryn Strachecky from Leading LIghts Education and Well Being Alan Reese from Fonthill Primary School Eco Council We’ll get in touch with each of you very soon and arrange delivery of your Vestas turbine. We’re looking forward to seeing the built up versions in the new year. They are for your kids, right?

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