By Aaron Zigeng Du and Eric Paya.
On Friday 26 June, we ran our first ever live broadcast. The hot topic for the discussion was offshore wind foundations. Two of our expert team members, Aaron Zigeng Du and Eric Paya took time out from their busy schedules to deliver an overview session entitled: An introduction to Floating Offshore Wind (FOW).
As a first time broadcast we didn’t know what kind of audience to expect. In the end we had a fantastic turnout with nearly 200 registered and on the day 114 live watchers (who all stayed for the whole session – thank you!)
This live broadcast is part of the build up to our Foundation Ex conference later in 2020.
If you missed it, don’t worry! We have the whole session here for you to view on demand. We are also looking to do more sessions soon. Follow Empire Engineering on LinkedIn to keep up to date with all our latest news.

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